The kid’s name was Balfoe. Balfoe. BALFOE.
And the kid is a twin. You know what his sister’s name is?
Wait for it…..
Balfoe and Susan!
I had more thoughts on monkeys today. I thought I’d share.
If I had a monkey, I would name him Gomez. Gomez would be not only a pet, but a butler, a driver, a bodyguard and a… well, I can’t remember the other thing. I would teach Gomez to drive my car, so that I could sleep on the way to work and school. Gomez would suffer from a little road rage and would make marvelous shrieking noises whenever another driver makes him mad. But Gomez would be a good driver, though don’t ask me how he reaches the pedals. He would, of course, be a monkey butler, and would fetch me cokes, and fix sandwiches for me, and find the remote control when it’s lost. I would also make little outfits for him, matching ones for my costumes, too… so if I were wearing Lulu, I would dress Gomez as a mog. If I were wearing Misato, I would dress Gomez as Shinji. And at cons he would be my bodyguard, and if somebody started bothering me too much, Gomez would hop onto my shoulder and start shrieking at the offender. He wouldn’t physically attack them unless provoked, because he’s well trained that way.
My god, I need to find new things to think about at work.
Buffy last night… I hope Ash recorded it for herself ’cause I didn’t. It was pretty good. Finally got to see what I’d been waiting for all summer, Buffy finding out about Spike, y’know.
I missed next week’s teaser. Arg. Someone share?